Thermex Corporation is responsible not only for the quality of its products, but also integrates the principles of social responsibility in its business strategy.

  • Social Project – Thermexik Family Club
  • The Corporation’s employees have established a charitable foundation to help the needy
  • Gratuitous supply of water heaters to the orphanages, the elderly and low-income families
  • Support of youth sports tournaments and events

St. Petersburg the Corporation took part in manufacture and installation of the monument to Academician Sakharov. In 2010, on the Victory Day the Mercy Fund distributed, through the Committee on Social Protection, more than ten thousand water heaters among the Great Patriotic War veterans living in the Leningrad region.

In 2015, Thermexik family club was launched in VKontakte which is the most popular Russian social network. It is a socially oriented project created with love by Thermex Corporation for mothers and pre-school children.

Thermex Corporation also became a partner of the annual festival Mother’s Day, which was held in Saint Petersburg on the 29th of November, 2015 to celebrate the International Mother’s Day.

In support of Mother’s Day a family photo contest “Get warm with Thermex” (about warm embraces, tea party, home comfort) was held on the pages of the event and the family club Termexik. A set of water heaters being the targeted help was handed over to the Family Information Centre Social Assistance Fund which supported by St. Petersburg Social Policy Committee, is implementing a program of assistance to women who have suffered a perinatal loss and to their families. The production lot through the support program was delivered to the public Family Center of Primorsky District of the city of St. Petersburg.

Thermex Corporation pays great attention to creation of comfortable conditions for work and life of its employees and strives to restore continuity and dynasties working at one and the same plant. We have been creating a social environment that combines housing, production and education.

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