Heating Equipment factory established
Heating Equipment factory is located in Tosno city, the Leningrad Region, 50 km from Saint Petersburg. It is the leading industrial facility of Thermex Corporation in Russia.
The first stage of the factory was put into operation in 2007. Total production amounted to 750,000 water heaters per year. Project implementation period is 14 months, which is a record for the water heating industry.
Launch of the factory second stage took place in 2010. The production volume has increased up to 1.5 million pieces of heaters per year.
The ceremonial start of the third stage will take place on December 25, 2015. The total production area has increased by one third – up to 60 000 m². The turnout will increase to more than 2 million pieces per year.
Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Russia, such as, for example, Silvano Tamburini – the design engineer of international renown, who has the leading water-heating productions in different countries under his belt – has been involved in this project realization.
The total production area is 60 000 m². The turnout is more than 2 million water heaters per year. Today it is the largest factory in terms of water heaters production output in Russia. The automation level of technological processes is more than 90%. The production rate is as follows: every 15 seconds a new water heater comes off the assembly line.
Most of manufacturing operations at the factory are performed using unique machines that exist in a single copy. Each unit here is special, everything has been developed and designed for specific tasks. It is a great intellectual work. This approach allows manufacturing thermal equipment which surpass the most stringent requirements to quality and reliability.
Numerous technological nuances are provided throughout the manufacturing process. For example, specific metal manufactured according to a special formula is ordered to produce the water heating equipment. The factory operates 24 hours a day.
During implementation of new technologies the great attention is paid to the matters of environmental safety. Thermex uses only «clean technologies». As a recent example we can consider highest government awards for achievements in the field of environmental safety honored to the new Thermex factory located in Russian Federation.
The automation level of technological processes is more than 90% (click on the photo below to watch video)